Contact Us

Cindy Cartwright is the founder and Lead Researcher of Hummingbirds Canada (2010), and the founder and coordinator of the Ontario Hummingbird Project (2005). She has had a permit to band hummingbirds in the Atlantic Provinces, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, and British Columbia from the Canadian Wildlife Service since 2001. There are fewer than 50 people in all of Canada that have banding permits with endorsements (permission) to band hummingbirds and the majority are located in British Columbia.
Cindy can be reached by e-mail at or by telephone at 519-797-1313. The answering machine is always on.
The summer breeding season is the busiest time of year for hummingbird research. Cindy is frequently 'in the field' during this time visiting hummer hosts to study hummingbirds, give educational demonstrations, or training new banders so please be patient while waiting for an answer.